Vinny (Daniel)

Eisley (Joy) with her momma, Kathy

Libby (Jane)

This family (Vinny's) are so funny! It's Paul and Kristina (Kris), Joe, Kate and now Vinny! they are VERY active. Vinny is a chunk!! She carries him like this everywhere!!!

Eisley with her Aunt Becky(her and her Aunt Loreen came with her momma Kathy. They are sister-in-laws married to brothers who are all three Dentist! They live in Utah! We are pretty close to them. Eisley is Kathy's 7th child..first adopted. Becky has 2 domestically adopted children, boy and girl and Loreen has 4 kids! Big family who love eachother alot and are very sweet ppl!!!

Libby with her momma Lisa. She is a single mom and her sister, Michelle came with her! VERY sweet ppl who are doing an amazing job as first time mom/aunt! Very dwon to earth and fun to be around!!!
I have to tell you that all four of our babies came from Shanghai Healing Home. We did NOT know this until we all got together and only two of us knew our babies were there! They were all there for different amouts of time, with Zoey being there the longest. Yes, all of them are cleft lip/cleft palate babies who have all been "fixed" so it's really cool. When they see eachother they just run to eachother! It's soo sweet! Their names on SHH are Daniel (Vinny), Joy (Eisley...prounced EYES LEE), Jane (Libby) and Grace (our Zoey) We have formed a special bond with these families as well! Just dear, sweet people. Mrs. Betty said she didn't understand how we could have such a special bond with Olivia's group, but now she see's it! Adoption is a special thing and we are so blessed to have been a part of it, not once but twice!!! Just the other day, the kids were tired of being on the bus and all crying and so we all started singing songs...we had rounds going and everything..it was such a sweet night!! Here are some of our friends!!!