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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Leaving the 19th!

Oh my goodness!! I cannot believe how stressful getting ticket to and from China was going to be such an ordeal!! I mean I was on the phone with Delta for AN HOUR AND 24 MINUTES!!!! The person I was talking to obviously had NO idea what she was doing and she never gave me time to say let me talk to  your supervisor because she would say, "Let me check, ok?" and then off the phone!!! UUGHH!! I was so aggravated. THEN she came back and said that she was going to have to charge me for a full ticket (lap seat) for Zoey bc she wouldn't be an American citizen and she would have trouble traveling and some sort of jazz but I KNEW that was wrong bc we did it with Olivia! So, FINALLY she talked to someone and they set her straight!!! I mean really!!!
But after all of that, it's done! We leave at 9:21 on the 19th and return at 4:15 on November 3rd. We will fly out of and return to Memphis!
I do not have the exact agenda but I know that we will be in Beijing from the 20th-morning of the 23rd.
In ZhengZhou from the 23rd to the 28th and then Guangzhou from the 28th to the am of Nov 2nd and then flying out of GZ to Shanghai the am of the 2nd and leaving the am of the 3rd! Once we get it all from our agency I will put it on here!
We will tour Friday and Saturday in Beijing, leave on SUnday and get Zoey on MOnday, unless something strange happens and we get her early, which has happened but not expecting it.
Another good thing...there are personal TV's on the plane so Olivia can watch all her movies on the 11 hour flight!!! YAY!! We have her Mobigo, coloring books and colors, books, an etch-a-sketch (small) and just paper and pens for drawing. If you can think of anything else for her, then please let me know. Well, I'm gone now! Will write more next week when we have more definitive plans!!!! WOOHOO!!! 10 more days!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011


THANK THE LORD we got confirmation that we WILL be leaving on the 19th of OCTOBER!!!! We will get Zoey on the 24th (we call it Gotcha Day!) and our CA (Consulate Appointment, when China makes us take an oath to love and take care of her as our own children and they recognize her as "officially" adopted) on HALLOWEEN afternoon. All of Zoey's big milestones have fallen on or close to important/celebrated events!! It's VERY evident that GOD has been in controll of this whole adoption from the beginning, just like He was with Olivia's! How GREAT is our GOD?!?!?!
Just so you know, China is 13 hours ahead of us here. If it's 1:00 pm here, it's 2:00 AM there.
When we get our iteniary, I will post it. This way you know when to pray for things! BUT, you can start praying now for amazing flight deals and continue to pray for us on the flights! STILL not a big fan of flying and this time we will have a 4 yr old and a 20 month old on the LONG flight!!!
So, until I know when we are doing what, this is is!
I can't believe that we are LEAVING in 11days!!! AHHHHHHHH

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well, got an email this am from my agency. Funny thing is, it said our CA was for DECEMBER 31st!!! My agency should get another email in the am saying that it was a typo and it's really October 31st which means...WE LEAVE OCTOBER 19th!!! That's 11 days from now!! AHHH!!!
We don't know FOR SURE but are pretty certain that it was a typo and so tomorrow I hope to post with the CORRECT date and I don't know what else, if anything!!! BUT...thinking it will be right! AHHH
I can't even type. I'm so gonna get off here. Just wanted to let all of you know! SO, here's to an amazing post tomorrow!! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all that prayed for us! We received our email today around 2 that we got our TA!! AHHH!!! Cannot tell you how excited we are! Possible travel dates are 10-19 or 10-26. We will know for sure as soon as the consulate is back open, so either the end of this week or beginning of next!!! AHHHH

Have alot of ppl to call so I will be back on! Just thank you for the prayers!! I knew they would work! Our God is a BIG GOD!! THANK YOU GOD FOR MY TA!!! I know YOU sent it to me!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Prayers please!

So, this week could be a HUGE week or a disappointing week! If we receive our TA (Travel approval) this week, we could leave as early as the 12th!! If not, I'm not sure if we could leave before Nov! I KNOW God will send us when HE deems it right, but I can't just sit around and not pray and ask for prayer. I have to accept HIS answer, whether yes or no and I will, but I'm still going to pray!
There is a chance for TA all the way to Wednesday, but I'm praying that we get our answer tomorrow. I am going to be cleaning all day and have a new route on Monday and Wednesday, but that's not til 4:30 so I have all day!! I will have my phone right by me at all times!
Really, I know not alot of ppl actually follow me on this blog, but alot read it, so if you read this post...please pray that our TA comes this week! We are ALL ready to go and get Zoey!!! thank you!!

God, I pray right now for Your will to be done in this TA matter. You know how much we want to go and get Zoey, bring her here and show her how it will be to have a permanent family. The family she has had has given her MUCH love and they are amazing people, but she will not have their name as her last name. We want her to be home, have our name, play with her siblings, feel safe in her own bed, go to church and hear God's word (which I am praying she heard some of at her home in China), feel all the love we have to offer and be our baby girl! We know this will happen, and we can wait, but God  you KNOW I'm not patient and this has been sooo hard of a wait! Please end the wait soon so that we are safely to and from China with our little girl! I will praise you no matter your answer this week, but I am praying that your answer is a yes! Thank You for all You have done, are doing and will do in our family's lives!! You are amazing and awesome and we LOVE YOU! AMEN!