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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Article 5

Well, after worrying sooo much about my agency not getting my PDF on Friday when I sent it, because I thought they had left, I found out today that they DID receive it and emailed it Friday!!! Now, the consulate isn't open on any Monday, so it was actually dropped off today!!! They say that it is picked up exactly 2 weeks later and then the wait for TA begins!! Now, the avg wait time of that is 21 days, although it varies! is what I am thinking:
Article 5 dropped off 9-6
Article 5 picked up 9-20
TA 10-11
Travel possible:
October 26th
November 2nd or
Nov 9th

I am actually leaning toward the Oct date or the 1st week of Nov for some reason!! SO, we will see!
I will be mailing our Visas off tomorrow or Thursday. That takes 5 business days so we should have that back around the 21st! So, it would be awesome to get our Article 5 and our visas on the same day!! Then the only thing left is TA and CA!! WOOHOO!

Can you believe that we are getting this close??? I can/can't! I'm so excited and am so ready to hold that baby girl in my arms!!!! Gonna keep praying that our times are quick but also knowing that it's God's timing!!! He's in control and has been, so I will keep trusing Him!!!!