Thursday night, December 15th, Zackery asked Hannah to marry him! We have known Hannah for 13 years and Zackery has had a crush on her since the 6th grade, but it wasn't until a youth camp in JUne 2009 that they became a couple! She is a precious woman of God! She will graduated in May 2013 from Dental hygiene. This semester she has a 4.0! They are shooting for an Ocotber wedding, but no definate date has been set! We are VERY excited for them and can't wait to see what God has planned for their lives together! We love you both and are so glad that Hannah will be our daughter-in-love! She's been a part of our family so long that it won't be that big of a change to have her around....but now, she will REALLY be family!!! We love you!!!