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Saturday, September 24, 2011


Okay, so the last step that WE can do is to get our visas!! They came in yesterday!! ALL 5 of them! (and my friend Mary's stuff!!!) SO, all we can do is wait! Our article 5 was picked up on the 20th and so our OFFICIAL wait for TA started then. There is a holiday coming in China the first week of October, so don't know when we will get TA. I have the 11th maked on my calendar so I hope it's no later than that. I am still holding out hope that we will get to leave the last Wednesday of October, but not sure if that can happen, so it will probably be Nov 2nd, but that's only a week difference, so I can handle that..not really but whatcha gonna do??? HAHA
Anyway! All we can do now is wait! Realisically we could be on a plane in like 32 days but even if it's not then, it should be 39 days!!! AHHH!!! that's a little over a month! WOOHOO!!!
I SO hope it's shorter!!! I will keep you updated as we go along. If you haven't already, check out the previous has pics of my twin nieces on it!!! We are SOOO excited!!!

Aunt to twin girls!

Well, I am home after being gone for 8 days. My brother and his wife blessed our family with TWIN GIRLS on  Sept 15th. Their names are Cortlyn and Caitlyn and they are BEAUTIFUL! Cortlyn weighed 5 lbs 15 oz and was 19 inches long and Caitlyn was 5 lbs 8 oz and 18.5 inches long! We are over the moon! I was blessed to have been asked to go into the nursery with my brother to see the girls for the first time and take pics. THEN I got to stay with them and help take care of them when they came home. I even got to keep them in my room for the first 2 nights while the parents got rest!!! I can't tell you how much that meant to me. They have been trying for 5 unsuccessful years and this is a TREMENDOUS blessing. NATURAL twin girls. We are waiting on test results to find out if they are identical bc they look ALOT alike!
Proud Parents! My brother Cortney and sis in law, Kristi

Caitlyn Dian on Top and Cortlyn Rae on bottom..Coming home

Caitlyn Dian

Cortlyn Rae
Anyway, here are a few pics of them I thought you would enjoy!!!