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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Well, got our documents back from Houston today. I had everything else ready to go except making some copies..and it was mailed to our agency today! They should receive it by noon tomorrow! They will hold it 9-11 days for Critical Review and then we will be DTC (DOssier to China!) Soon after, we should be LID but don't know if we will actually know our date. SOmetimes that's not revealed until your LOA...but I hope we find out! This is a big deal bc now, all we can do is wait!!! (AS long as all our papers are correct that we sent to them!) But it means I have done all the paperwork I can do, so now, we do the HARDEST part, which is wait!!
Please pray we are LID quickly and our LOA comes quickly. SOme ppl are having to wait up to 100 days for it and I just don't want to have to do that!! She's waiting for us, even though she doesn't know it, and I want to go and get her! (Of course, so did/does the ppl who are having/have waited!!) So, as soon as we are DTC, I will update! HOpefully, that's soon!!