Well, I hope you are enjoying the pics I have put up. It's been crazy and I have had alot of people ask how it's going so I thought I would update!
Zoey is amazing! She is extremely smart!! She picks up on things within seconds!!! She says, Mama, Dada, Livy, Ack (for Zack), TamTam (for Cameron), dog, thank you (and she's learning the sign for it) I love you, night- night, bye- bye, ball, Meme, Nana, Papaw, and all kinds of humming songs, and ALOT of jibberish that CRACKS US UP!! She still signs for more, eat and cracker!She understands our English and has since day one! I am pretty sure the home spoke to her in English but even things like, "Shut that drawer" and things that I'm not sure was said to her, she understands and OBEYS!!! THANK YOU GOD and SHH!!!
She's not eating very well right now. We can't seem to find exactly what she wants to eat except JUNK! She LOVES Cheetos and M&M's!! I have figured out that she likes to eat by herself but when she does, she doesn't get much and tonight I decided I would hold her jaw and just "make" her taste something...well she opened up her mouth and ATE!! So, I guess I will have to do that to get any food in her! She tries to eat by herself, and does a pretty good job, but not enough is going in, to me!
She has been sleeping through the night since the Sat after we came home. Like sleeping 10-11 hours!! Thankfully!! It didn't take long to get her adjusted to the new time. She takes a 2-2.5 hour nap everyday. She is the happiest in the morning, after her nap for about 2 hours and then about an hour before bed. She gives me big hugs when I get her out of the baby bed and just loves on me for a few minutes before we change her diaper! I LOVE that! She's so warm and snuggly!!! She gives kisses pretty freely and still will hug you whether you are leaving or just ask for one!
She is ROUGH! I have scratched her 2 times on her face because I'm trying to keep her from bonking her head on my chest or Olivia's head! She likes to do paddy cake, but at the end she wants me to hold both sides of her head and sway it back and forth! I have NO idea what that's about but she LOVES it and just cracks up!!! She holds mine and Anthony's hand and does Paddy cake now...it's sweet! She likes to hit. I don't think she does it out of meaness (well,sometimes it's VERY evident that she did to it out of meaness) but most of the time she's smiling or even laughing when she does it. This is hard for Olivia to understand but it's getting easier for her now that we explained it to her! She runs around and laughs all the time!!
She has taken to everyone so easily! She will wave Hey to you, and most of the time go to you to be held. Not everyone, but if you stay in my house for a little while, then she is normally talking to you or in your lap before you leave! She is so funny and makes everyone laugh! ESP with her jibberish! It's HILARIOUS!!!
We are still having a few issues with attachment. She does NOT like me to leave her. She loves to play with Anthony, but only if I'm in the room. She doesn't stay away from me long. She will scream if she can't be with me. It's making it hard on me, but I'm glad that she feels close to me! I know this will pass, and I might be upset when it flip flops and she's more attached to Anthony, so I will cherish this time she chooses me! :)
She is okay with being in her carseat for about an hour at the most! Then, it's not fun for her anymore! HA Hate to see the Christmas trip that takes us 7 hours to drive...and that's without stopping except for one time to eat and one potty break! This Christmas is going to be FUN!!! HAHAHA
When I first got the photo album that SHH gave us, when Zoey saw her Ayi in it, she would moan. We haven't showed her the pictures since we were in China and tonight someone was looking at them so I was interested to see what she did. Well, to my surprise (and somewhat pleasure) she didn't have any reaction. I asked her who that was and she just pointed to her and then to herself and said, "ME!" I know her Ayi had a special place in her heart and I am so grateful for all that she (and SHH) did for my sweet girl, but I'm also happy to know that she doesn't remember her the way we left her...that she's not moaning when she sees her...that in the future I can recount the last day she saw her and how much it hurt my feelings to see them both cry so hard from losing/leaving eachother and I will tell her how special she was to her. But on the other hand, I am so glad that she now knows that WE are her family and that the love we have for her, I wouldn't say is better, but different and she will know our love always! To me, it was a milestone that after only a week and a half of being home, the moaning didn't happen!
Zoey is a treasure, just like my other kids, and she is a joy to have in our family. She fits perfectly, like we knew she would because God had her picked for our family always, and we are all so glad she's here. Well, Olivia could take her or leave her, but we expected that. She does get her to stop crying and she tries to play with her. She's doing so good as a big sister. It's hard to share your princess crown, but it will come! The boys are in love with her, like we knew they would be, and the church and our friends, they love her as well. Again, she fits perfectly and we are all glad she's here!
Thank you God for all that has happenend from Dec 2010 to now with this adoption! Your hand has been on it and it's obvious! We adore our children and are so glad that Zoey is here and has made our family complete!!! We are so blessed by You and we can't thank You enough! Continue to be with us and esp Zoey in this transition. Please, somehow, put in her birth momma's heart and her Ayi that she's just fine! Loved beyond all measure by MANY people and happy to be here with us! Protect us and guide us as we continue to raise ALL of our children in Your ways!! AMEN!