LOOK! She's the one in the back/middle! She's unrepaired and she's having to be held up so I'm guessing she's around 9-10 mths?

Not sure about when this was taken, but she was yonger than the previous one in the blue shirt bc she doesn't have much hair here! But she's beautiful!!
I cannot tell you how happy I am right now! I found out that there was a possibility that I could find out where Zoey was. I have been searching for DAYS and NIGHTS looking for what foster home she could be in and it ended in a dead end! I was sooo frustrated. So, I prayed Friday night and last night and when I was putting Olivia to bed, for SOMEONE to be able to tell me where she was so that I could atleast see an updated picture of her! Someone saw my posts on another forum and told me that they think they found Zoey! So, they gave me the website and told me to look under the name of Grace. I did and it was her! I was ecstatic!!! There were only 3 pictures, but that was more than I had bc it was updated pics of her...and that's all I needed.
This is the GOD thing: Zoey is at a home where the director is AN AMERICAN PASTOR!!! AND almost all of the staff is AMERICAN! There is a possiblity that she is hearing ENGLISH!!! But more importantly, she could be hearing about CHRIST!!!! AHHHHH gives me chills just thinking about it! How AWESOME is GOD?!?!?!?!
I wrote them and asked somethings about her, but then, as I was waiting for a reply, found some rules in my paperwork that said that we weren't allowed to have contact even if there is a way to. SO, they responded and gave me a sight that had pics of her on there. Although I cried and was overjoyed that they gave me this, I had to write them and tell them that I was sorry that I contacted them, that I didn't realize it was against the rules. I told them thank you for the sight and I would cherish the pictures, but that I would not contact them again! THAT was HARD!!! Don't want to do anything to jeopardize this adoption, so I just cried, looked at the pictures and watched a video they have on their sight! Although they were only of her at a year old, there were many and pics of her 1st bday which are PRICELESS to me, so I was overjoyed!!!
SO, here are a few pictures. My agency is supposed to request an update sometime in July, so maybe I will get more info and more pics then! But until then, I know our little girl is being taken great care of...that she is beautiful and healthy and that we are closer today to getting her than yesterday!!THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!
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